Featured Owners

The following is a list of Owners and Managers who regularly have apartment homes available.

Looking for something that isn't currently on our site or are you looking far in advance? Check with these Featured Owners for availability.

Cheplowitz & Associates, Inc.

Residential and commercial properties for lease in German Village, Merion Village, Schumacher Place, The South End, The Short North, and OSU areas

Clintonville Apartments

We are a family-owned, locally-based company that specializes in multi-unit (2+) apartments in Clintonville, Old North Columbus, Grandview, and Upper Arlington. We've been operating in Columbus for 30 years and are proud to offer exceptional apartments in Columbus's most eclectic urban neighborhoods.

Liberty Place Apartments and Studios

The Brewery Districts finest apartment complex

City Center Real Estate Services

Short North Italian Village and Victorian Village apartments